No requesting to buy or sell anything that's illegal. That includes anything ranging from drugs, fake ID's, guns, images, personal information whatever. You know what the law is. This is not a dark net marketplace. Just assume that anyone offering or encouraging such activity is a cop and block them.
Absolutely no images, video, or other media (real, digital, or otherwise) depicting minors *****ually. This includes asking for links or submitting links to such content. Once again, just assume anyone doing that is a cop and setting you up.
Unless explicitly stated in the forum's sidepanel, assume that explicit *****ual content is not permitted, which currently is the case for all forums. We also don't allow content relating to ***** or ***** on [RAMBLE].
No legitimate calls for targeted acts of violence. There is a difference in saying someone deserves something to happen to them, and actually moving forward with a plan to make that happen. Just don't.
No hate speech. Ramble is an inclusive space for all, and we'd like to keep it that way. Racism, bigotry and comments prejudicial or intended to cause offense to any group or minority will not be tolerated.
No trolling or harassment of other users of the service. Disagreement is fine, personal attacks are not. Please keep the conversations civil. And if it isn't already obvious, no doxxing of any kind.
Post Moderation
Occasionally a moderator may edit posts to correct spelling errors or grammar, provide quoted text from a linked article where none is provided, or add additional context to a post.
To lessen the chance of this happening, please ensure you spellcheck your posts before submission, and provide adequate context or citations from the article where applicable. Posts that fail to meet basic standards of literacy may be deleted (see below).
Post Deletion & User Account Bans
- In the event a server admin decides content is undesirable for any reason whatsoever, it may be deleted without warning.
- Posting content that contravenes any of the above rules, or otherwise irritates a server admin, may result in a ban for the user posting the content. In addition, posting flippant, offensive or otherwise content-free replies to posts may result in your account being banned. Please ensure your replies are on point, interesting, and contribute to the discussion.
New Forum Requests
New forums can be created upon request. If you have an idea for a new forum for a topic or subject matter currently not represented on [RAMBLE], please contact one of the server admins to suggest it. Requests will be considered on merit.