What is [RAMBLE]?
ram·ble (răm′bəl)
- To move about aimlessly: rambled around the park for an hour; rambled around the southwest.
- To walk casually or leisurely: rambled over to the neighbor's house.
- To follow an irregularly winding course of motion or growth: Vines rambled over the fence.
- To speak or write at length and with many digressions: rambled on about his *****hood.
[RAMBLE] offers privacy-respecting user forums for informed discussion, and link and image sharing. We don't serve adverts, we don't track users, and we don't mail out spam masquerading as information, or indeed anything other than password resets if you've supplied a valid e-mail address. We're available on clearnet, I2P, Tor and Yggdrasil, though for the full [RAMBLE] experience I2P is necessary (see below).
Note: In order to be able to post submissions or create an account, you must use the I2P based service. This ensures the noise to signal ratio is low, as well as our maintenance burden. There's only so many offensive posts you have to delete on a daily basis before things become a little too hairy for comfort. Hence read only for all networks except I2P where full access is enabled.
[RAMBLE] runs on the most excellent Postmill platform. The source code can be found at codeberg, and the official support forum can be found at raddle.me/f/Postmill/. We appreciate your hard work, edgyemma!