
Kalchaya wrote

Reply to comment by Rambler in I want a Computer that I Own by HMTg927

I have not been all that reliable at keeping abreast on the subject, but last time I checked, your ISP will not know you are using TOR if you go in via a VPN, as the trail deadends there. As for Musk, he's too busy playing Star Trek, and imagining himself Zefram Cochrane, than focus on anything more practical:



Kalchaya wrote

This is not the first time Cloudflare has done this stuff. I forget who was targeted previously (8chan? voat? Someone else?). The point being, who but a 'tard would trust them not to do the same crap again? If someone sucker punches you, are you really that stupid to let him move behind you ever again? Apparently yes.


Kalchaya wrote

As said, I've been using XP Pro for three years now, and hence relegated to using Mypal, Centaury and Firefox 52.9.0 browsers. As both the OS is long ago EOL/EOS, and the browsers are equally outdated, I'm not impressed with that malarkey.


Kalchaya wrote

I would think 'proof of vaccination' could be more easily forged than a passport, and therefore cheaper on the Darknet, but I've not actually looked. I don't do airplanes, and not too inclined to go outside the USA anyway, so not something I'd likely need. Mexico (Tijuana) is as far as I've been, or likely to go, and since I got a lifetime supply of Mercurochrome last time, and since the Mexican Mafia seems in control of Tijuana, I doubt I'll be returning.


Kalchaya wrote

Reply to comment by Wahaha in Perma*****d by Wahaha

I don't think divorce is bad, it's what the feminazis have mutated it into...basically a State sanctioned get-rich-quick scheme for golddiggers!

I would disagree. Those women should of divorced their guy who was obviously way too good for them, and by doing so, the freed guys now have a chance to learn from their mistake, and make better choices in the future. The bitches now have a chance to marry (or just breed with) thugboys...who will treat them as shitty as they treated the ex....a mutually abusive relationship is exactly what such gals deserve.


Kalchaya wrote

For every rule there is always an exception. Good job! Whenever I go out (seldom lately) I see idiots with pocketphones constantly yapping or texting. Or them that answer a call, put it back in their pocket, a minute later its back in hand, then back in the pocket, then back in hand, over and over. I think it's like smoking pot...some of us can limit use to before bedtime, while addictive personalities have to stay high 24/7.


Kalchaya wrote

I prefer the electric chair....much more painful, doesn't always kill on the first try, and watching sparks shoot out the eyeballs is way more entertaining than a rolling head.


Kalchaya wrote

Try MX Linux:




I found it to have slightly more intuitive layout than Linux Mint, which required less searching to find what I needed. For example, I was easily able to figure out how to ditch the gawd-awful Firefox, and replace it with Waterfox...I have yet to successfully do the same in Linux Mint.


Kalchaya wrote (edited )

All these 'improvements' were done (and done better) via "Self-Destructing Cookies' addon, and 'Flush Flash' app. I don't know if Firefox/Mozilla is any better than Chrome/Google, but if there is a difference, it ain't much of one. Rather like trying to decide which TLA is the least obnoxious. Mozilla has a long and nasty history:
